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RO Water Purifiers and Filters

Specifications :-

  • Colour - Black
  • Special Feature - RO, UV, Alkaline
  • Material - Plastic
  • Capacity - 10 liters
  • Product Dimensions - 40L x 25W x 52.5H Centimeters
  • Includes Free RO Filter Kit with Inline Filters & 15 LPH RO Membrane


Do your family members frequently face waterborne problems? Does your drinking water smells bad like rotten food, looks polluted, or taste salty? 

Don’t worry! All you need is a good RO water purifier.

Pure Water presents Pure ULTRA With RO+UV+TDS Water Purifier with Alkaline water purifier. It removes bacteria and viruses from the water as it has 7 stage water purification stages. It has a water flow of up to 15 liters per hour and can store 10 liters of water.

This water purifier also comes with a FREE Complete RO Filter Kit of RO Membrane 15 LPH & Inline Filters (Classic).

The RO Filter kit consists of a Carbon Filter, Sediment Filter, and RO Membrane of 15 LPH.

 RO Membrane 15 LPH Ultra is highly efficient in the Reverse Osmosis process. It has an extremely high salt rejection rate of 97%.

 Sediment Filter Ultra has a huge service life of up to 6000 LTR. With its micron capacity of 5, the sediment filter will be exceedingly long-lasting with a range of 4-8 months.

 Carbon Filter Ultra, made with coal and biodegradable material such as coconut shells and fruit shells, has a huge service life of 6000 LTR.

Features - 

High TDS Membrane-15 LPH Flow Rate-

Our Pure Ultra RO Purifier has a High TDS membrane which can purify maximum pollutants in water input as it is equipped with a Hard Water TDS membrane.

Alkaline Water-

Pure Ultra RO purifier provides alkaline water. It increases the pH level of water in the range of 7.5-8.5

It helps in maintaining the pH of water which is essential for the human body and mind.

10 Liter Storage Tank-

This water storage tank holds clean water after reverse osmosis filtration until you're ready to use it.

It has a storage capacity of 10 liters so that your pure water can be reserved for later use.

UV Filter-

The UV lamp causes immediate purification of water so that you can get clean and safe drinking water. As we know purified water is essential to you and your family. The main motive of this product is to give you pure, clean, and disinfected water that is free from bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.


  • Used in the Food and beverages industries to get pure water.
  • Used in the Bio-pharmaceutical industry to get germ free or disinfected water for cleaning and other purposes.
  • RO water is preferable in the cosmetic industry for enhancing the life of cosmetics.
  • Pure Ultra is a safe and environment-friendly product because it did not produce any harmful substances.
  • It is cost-effective.
  • It comes with a Fully-Automatic advanced system so it is easy to use.
Our company’s main objective is to provide a complete water management automation system for the domestic, industrial and agricultural sectors.
Greenly Irrigation Systems
Plot #5 A, VRS Nagar Road, Cheremaanagar Near 6th Bus stop, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641035, India.
+91 75502 35041greenlyirrigationsystems@gmail.com
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